This module provides base classes for Problem Families, Species, and Solvers.
author: | Matthew Gidden <matthew.gidden _at_> |
A class representing families of problems that share the same structure.
Derived classes must implement this function to return a tuple instance structures that can be provided to the run_inst function.
Parameters: | uuid : uuid
tables : list of cyclopts_io.Table
Returns: | inst : tuple or other
Derived classes must implement this function.
Parameters: | inst : tuple or other
inst_uuid : uuid
param_uuid : uuid
species : str
tables : list of cyclopts_io.Table
Derived classes must implement this function to return a list of
Parameters: | soln : ProbSolution or similar
soln_uuid : uuid
inst : tuple or other
inst_uuid : uuid
tables : list of cyclopts_io.Table
Derived classes must implement this function and return their list of tables
Parameters: | h5file : PyTables File
prefix : string
Returns: | tables : list of cyclopts_io.Tables
Derived classes must implement this function to take a tuple instance structures provided by the exec_inst function and return a ProblemResult or similar object.
Parameters: | inst : tuple or other
solver : ProbSolver or similar
Returns: | soln : ProbSolution or similar
Derived classes should implement this function, returning the name of the family
Returns: | name : string
A class represnting species of problems that share the same parameter space and ProblemFamiliy.
Derived classes must implement this function, returning a representation of a problem instance.
Parameters: | point : tuple or other
Returns: | inst : tuple or other
Derived classes must implement this function returning a representation of a point in its parameter space to be used by other class member functions.
Returns: | point_generator : generator
Derived classes must implement this function.
Parameters: | space_dict : dict
Derived classes must implement this function, recording information about a parameter point in the appropriate tables.
Parameters: | point : tuple or other
param_uuid : uuid
tables : list of cyclopts_io.Table
Derived classes must implement this function and return their list of tables
Parameters: | h5file : PyTables File
prefix : string
Returns: | tables : list of cyclopts_io.Tables
Derived classes must implement this function and return and instance of this species’ family
Returns: | family : ProblemFamily or similar
Derived classes must implement this function returning the number of points in its parameter space.
Returns: | n : int