Cyclopts has the following CLI options
cyclopts -h
usage: Cyclopts [-h]
positional arguments:
convert Convert a parameter space defined by an input run
control file into an HDF5 database for a Cyclopts
execution run.
exec Executes a parameter sweep as defined by the input
database and other command line arguments.
condor-submit Submits a job to condor, retrieves output when it has
completed, and cleans up the condor user space after.
condor-collect Collects a condor submission's output.
condor-rm Removes processes on condor for a user.
cde Updates the Cyclopts CDE tarfile on a Condor submit
combine Combines a collection of databases, merging their
dump Dumps information about an instance database.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
cyclopts convert -h
usage: Cyclopts convert [-h] [--cycrc CYCRC] [--species_module SPECIES_MODULE]
[--species_class SPECIES_CLASS] [--rc RC] [--db DB]
[-n NINST] [--count] [-v] [--debug] [-u UPDATE_FREQ]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cycrc CYCRC A global run control file, defaults to
$HOME/.cyclopts.rc useful for declaring global
family/species information.
--species_module SPECIES_MODULE
The module for the problem species
--species_class SPECIES_CLASS
The problem species class
--rc RC The run control file to use that defines a continguous
parameter space.
--db DB The HDF5 file to dump converted parameter space points
to. This file can later be used an input to an execute
-n NINST, --ninstances NINST
The number of problem instances to generate per point
in parameter space.
--count Only read in the run control file and count the number
of possible samplers that will be created.
-v, --verbose Print verbose output during the conversion process.
--debug Use objgraph and pdb to debug the conversion process.
-u UPDATE_FREQ, --update-freq UPDATE_FREQ
The instance frequency with which to update stdout.
cyclopts exec -h
usage: Cyclopts exec [-h] [--cycrc CYCRC] [--family_module FAMILY_MODULE]
[--family_class FAMILY_CLASS] [--db DB]
[--solvers [SOLVERS [SOLVERS ...]]]
[--instids [INSTIDS [INSTIDS ...]]] [--rc RC]
[--outdb OUTDB] [--conds CONDS] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cycrc CYCRC A global run control file, defaults to
$HOME/.cyclopts.rc useful for declaring global
family/species information.
--family_module FAMILY_MODULE
The module for the problem family
--family_class FAMILY_CLASS
The problem family class
--db DB An HDF5 Cyclopts database (e.g., the result of
'cyclopts convert').
--solvers [SOLVERS [SOLVERS ...]]
A list of which solvers to use.
--instids [INSTIDS [INSTIDS ...]]
A list of instids (as UUID hex strings) to run.
--rc RC The run control file, which allows idetification of a
subset of input to run.
--outdb OUTDB An optional database to write results to. By default,
the database given by the --db flag is use.
--conds CONDS A dictionary representation of execution conditions.
This CLI argument can be used instead of placing them
in an RC file.
-v, --verbose Print verbose output during execution.
cyclopts condor-submit -h
usage: Cyclopts condor-submit [-h] [--cycrc CYCRC]
[--family_module FAMILY_MODULE]
[--family_class FAMILY_CLASS] [--rc RC]
[--db DB] [--instids [INSTIDS [INSTIDS ...]]]
[--solvers [SOLVERS [SOLVERS ...]]] [-u USER]
[-t HOST] [--keyfile KEYFILE] [-d REMOTEDIR]
[-k {dag,queue}] [--log] [-p PORT]
[--nodes [NODES [NODES ...]]] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cycrc CYCRC A global run control file, defaults to
$HOME/.cyclopts.rc useful for declaring global
family/species information.
--family_module FAMILY_MODULE
The module for the problem family
--family_class FAMILY_CLASS
The problem family class
--rc RC The run control file, which allows idetification of a
subset of input to run.
--db DB An HDF5 Cyclopts database (e.g., the result of
'cyclopts convert').
--instids [INSTIDS [INSTIDS ...]]
A list of instids (as UUID hex strings) to run.
--solvers [SOLVERS [SOLVERS ...]]
A list of which solvers to use.
-u USER, --user USER The condor user name.
-t HOST, --host HOST The remote condor submit host.
--keyfile KEYFILE An ssh public key file.
The remote directory (relative to ~/cyclopts-runs) on
the submit node in which to run cyclopts jobs.
-k {dag,queue}, --kind {dag,queue}
The kind of condor submission to use.
--log Whether to keep a log of worker queue data.
-p PORT, --port PORT The port to use for a condor queue submission.
--nodes [NODES [NODES ...]]
The execute nodes to target.
-v, --verbose Print output during the submisison process.
cyclopts condor-collect -h
usage: Cyclopts condor-collect [-h] [--outdb OUTDB] [-u USER] [-t HOST]
[--keyfile KEYFILE] [-l LOCALDIR]
[-d REMOTEDIR] [--clean]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--outdb OUTDB An optional database to write results to. By default,
the database given by the --db flag is use.
-u USER, --user USER The condor user name.
-t HOST, --host HOST The remote condor submit host.
--keyfile KEYFILE An ssh public key file.
-l LOCALDIR, --localdir LOCALDIR
The local directory in which to place resulting files.
The remote directory (relative to the user's home
directory) in which output files from a run are
--clean Clean up the submit node after.
cyclopts condor-rm -h
usage: Cyclopts condor-rm [-h] [-u USER] [-t HOST] [--keyfile KEYFILE]
[-k {all,workers}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USER, --user USER The condor user name.
-t HOST, --host HOST The remote condor submit host.
--keyfile KEYFILE An ssh public key file.
-k {all,workers}, --kind {all,workers}
The kind of job to remove.
cyclopts cde -h
usage: Cyclopts cde [-h] [--cycrc CYCRC] [--family_module FAMILY_MODULE]
[--family_class FAMILY_CLASS] [--source-path PREFIX]
[-u USER] [-t HOST] [--no-clean] [--keyfile KEYFILE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cycrc CYCRC A global run control file, defaults to
$HOME/.cyclopts.rc useful for declaring global
family/species information.
--family_module FAMILY_MODULE
The module for the problem family
--family_class FAMILY_CLASS
The problem family class
--source-path PREFIX The path to cyclopts source.
-u USER, --user USER The cde user name.
-t HOST, --host HOST The remote cde submit host.
--no-clean Do not clean up files.
--keyfile KEYFILE An ssh public key file.
cyclopts combine -h
usage: Cyclopts combine [-h] [--files FILES [FILES ...]] [-o OUTDB] [--clean]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--files FILES [FILES ...]
All files to combine.
-o OUTDB, --outdb OUTDB
An output database, containing the combined content.
--clean Clean up (remove) the original files.
cyclopts dump -h
usage: Cyclopts dump [-h] [--cycrc CYCRC] [--family_module FAMILY_MODULE]
[--family_class FAMILY_CLASS] [--db DB]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cycrc CYCRC A global run control file, defaults to
$HOME/.cyclopts.rc useful for declaring global
family/species information.
--family_module FAMILY_MODULE
The module for the problem family
--family_class FAMILY_CLASS
The problem family class
--db DB An HDF5 Cyclopts database (e.g., the result of
'cyclopts convert').