Source code for cyclopts.cyclopts_io

"""This module provides I/O classes and routines for Cyclopts-related functionality.

:author: Matthew Gidden <matthew.gidden _at_>
import numpy as np
import tables as t
import math
import datetime

import cyclopts
import as tools
[docs]class Table(object): """A thin wrapper for a PyTables Table to be used by Cyclopts. """ def __init__(self, h5file=None, path=None, dt=None, chunksize=None, cachesize=None): """Parameters ---------- h5file : PyTables File the hdf5 file path : string the absolute path to the table dt : np.dtype, optional the dtype for the table chunksize : int, optional the table chunksize, Cyclopts will optimize for a 32Kb L1 cache by default cachesize : int, optional the size of data to cache before writing, defaults to 100 times the chunksize """ self.h5file = h5file self.path = path if path is not None else '/' self.dt = dt if dt is not None else np.dtype(None) # l1 cache size / row size / 2 # factor of 2 is ideal for reading/writing speed (per @scopatz's advice) chunksize = chunksize if chunksize is not None \ else math.floor(32 * 1024 / float(dt.itemsize) / 2) self.chunksize = int(chunksize) # 100 seems right, eh? factor = int(1e2) self.cachesize = factor * self.chunksize if cachesize is None else cachesize self.prefix = '/'.join(self.path.split('/')[:-1]) if not self.prefix.startswith('/'): self.prefix = '/{0}'.format(self.prefix) = self.path.split('/')[-1] self._data = np.empty(shape=(self.cachesize), dtype=self.dt) self._idx = 0 self.n_writes = 0 if self.h5file is not None and self.path in self.h5file: self._tbl = self.h5file.get_node(self.path) else: self._tbl = None def __del__(self): del self._data
[docs] def create(self): """Creates a table in the h5file. This must be called before writing.""" groups = [x for x in self.prefix.split('/') if x] prefix = '' for name in groups: path = '/'.join([prefix, name]) prefix = '/' if not prefix else prefix if not path in self.h5file: self.h5file.create_group(prefix, name, title=name, filters=tools.FILTERS) self.h5file.flush() prefix = path self.h5file.create_table(self.prefix,, description=self.dt, filters=tools.FILTERS, chunkshape=(self.chunksize,)) self._tbl = self.h5file.get_node(self.path)
def instid_rows(self, uuid): return self._tbl.where('instid == uuid')
[docs] def append_data(self, data): """Appends data to the Table. If the cachesize limit is reached, data is written to disc. Parameters ---------- data : array-like data to append to the table """ ndata = len(data) idx = self._idx arylen = self.cachesize # just add data, no writing if ndata + idx < arylen: self._idx += ndata self._data[idx:self._idx] = data return # writing space = arylen - idx n_writes = 1 + int(math.floor(float(ndata - space) / arylen)) self._data[idx:arylen] = data[:space] self._idx = arylen self.flush() for i in range(n_writes - 1): start = i * arylen + space stop = (i + 1) * arylen + space self.flush(data[start:stop]) self._idx = ndata - (n_writes - 1) * arylen - space if self._idx > 0: self._data[:self._idx] = data[-self._idx:]
[docs] def flush(self, data=None): """Writes cached data to the table.""" if self._tbl is None: raise IOError('Table must be created before it can be written to.') if data is None: self._tbl.append(self._data[:self._idx]) self._idx = 0 else: self._tbl.append(data) self._tbl.flush() self.n_writes += 1
_result_dt = np.dtype([ ("solnid", ('str', 16)), # 16 bytes for uuid ("instid", ('str', 16)), # 16 bytes for uuid ("solver", ('str', 30)), # 30 seems long enough, right? ("problem", ('str', 30)), # 30 seems long enough, right? ("time", np.float64), ("objective", np.float64), ("cyclopts_version", ('str', 12)), # len(' ')) == 26 ("timestamp", ('str', 26)), ])
[docs]class ResultTable(Table): """A Cyclopts Table for generic results. """ def __init__(self, h5file, path='/Results', chunksize=None): """Parameters ---------- h5file : PyTables File the hdf5 file path : string the absolute path to the table chunksize : int, optional the table chunksize, Cyclopts will optimize for a 32Kb L1 cache by default """ super(ResultTable, self).__init__(h5file, path, _result_dt, chunksize) def record_soln(self, soln, soln_uuid, inst_uuid, solver): self.append_data([( soln_uuid.bytes, inst_uuid.bytes, solver.type, soln.type, soln.time, soln.objective, cyclopts.__version__,' '), )])
[docs]class TableManager(object): """A managing class that performs RAII for its tables by creating them if needed upon acquisition and flushing them upon deletion. Tables can be accessed through the manager by its tables member, which is a dictionary from table names to Table objects.""" def __init__(self, h5file, tables): """Parameters ---------- h5file : PyTables File the hdf5 file tables : list of Tables the list of tables to manage """ self.tables = {tbl.path.split('/')[-1]: tbl for tbl in tables} self.h5file = h5file for tbl in self.tables.values(): if tbl.path not in self.h5file: tbl.create() def __del__(self): if self.h5file.isopen: self.flush_tables() def flush_tables(self): for tbl in self.tables.values(): tbl.flush() def total_writes(self): return sum([tbl.n_writes for tbl in self.tables.values()])