Python API


Please note that aneris is still in early developmental stages, thus all interfaces are subject to change.

Input/Output: aneris._io

Provides helper functions for reading input data and configuration files.

The default configuration values are provided in aneris.RC_DEFAULTS.

class aneris._io.RunControl(rc=None, defaults=None)[source]

A thin wrapper around a Python Dictionary to support configuration of harmonization execution. Input can be provided as dictionaries or YAML files.


__init__(rc=None, defaults=None)[source]

rc : string, file, dictionary, optional

a path to a YAML file, a file handle for a YAML file, or a dictionary describing run control configuration

defaults : string, file, dictionary, optional

a path to a YAML file, a file handle for a YAML file, or a dictionary describing default run control configuration

recursive_update(k, d)[source]

Recursively update a top-level option in the run control


k : string

the top-level key

d : dictionary or similar

the dictionary to use for updating

aneris._io.pd_read(f, str_cols=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Try to read a file with pandas, supports CSV and XLSX


f : string

the file to read in

str_cols : bool, optional

turn all columns into strings (numerical column names are sometimes read in as numerical dtypes)

args, kwargs : sent directly to the Pandas read function


df : pd.DataFrame

aneris._io.pd_write(df, f, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Try to write a file with pandas, supports CSV and XLSX


Read an excel-based input file for harmonization.


f : string

path to input file


model : pd.DataFrame

model data frame in IAMC format

overrides : pd.DataFrame

overrides data frame in IAMC format

config : dictionary

configuration overrides (if any)

Harmonization: aneris.harmonize

class aneris.harmonize.HarmonizationDriver(rc, hist, model, overrides, regions)[source]

A helper class to harmonize all scenarios for a model.



Harmonize a given scneario. Get results from aneris.harmonize.HarmonizationDriver.results()


Return 2-tuple of (pd.DataFrame of harmonized trajectories, pd.DataFrame of metadata)


Return all known scenarios

class aneris.harmonize.Harmonizer(data, history, config={}, verify_indicies=True)[source]

A class used to harmonize model data to historical data in the standard calculation format



Return pd.DataFrame of harmonized trajectories given pd.DataFrame overrides


Return pd.DataFrame of method choice metadata


Return pd.DataFrame of methods to use for harmonization given pd.DataFrame of overrides

aneris.harmonize.diagnostics(model, metadata)[source]

Provide warnings or throw errors based on harmonized model data and metadata

Current diagnostics are: - large missing values (sector has 20% or more contribution to

history and model does not report sector) - Warning provided
  • non-negative CO2 emissions (values other than CO2 are < 0) - Error thrown

model : pd.DataFrame

harmonized model data in standard calculation format

metadata : pd.DataFrame

harmonization metadata

Methods: aneris.methods

This module defines all possible functional forms of harmonization methods and the default decision tree for choosing which method to use.


Returns coefficient of variation of a Series

\[c_v = \frac{\sigma(s^{\prime}(t))}{\mu(s^{\prime}(t))}\]

s : pd.Series



c_v : float

coefficient of variation

aneris.methods.constant_offset(df, offset)[source]

Calculate constant offset harmonized trajectory


df : pd.DataFrame

model data

offset : pd.DataFrame

offset data


df : pd.DataFrame

harmonized trajectories

aneris.methods.constant_ratio(df, ratios)[source]

Calculate constant ratio harmonized trajectory


df : pd.DataFrame

model data

ratio : pd.DataFrame

ratio data


df : pd.DataFrame

harmonized trajectories

aneris.methods.default_methods(hist, model, base_year, luc_method=None)[source]

Determine default harmonization methods to use.

See for a graphical description of the decision tree.


hist : pd.DataFrame

historical data

model : pd.DataFrame

model data

base_year : string, int

column name of harmonization year

luc_method : string, optional

method to use for high coefficient of variation


methods : pd.Series

default harmonization methods

metadata : pd.DataFrame

metadata regarding why each method was chosen

aneris.methods.harmonize_factors(df, hist, harmonize_year='2015')[source]

Calculate offset and ratio values between data and history


df : pd.DataFrame

model data

hist : pd.DataFrame

historical data

harmonize_year : string, optional

column name of harmonization year


offset : pd.Series

offset (history - model)

ratio : pd.Series

ratio (history / model)

aneris.methods.hist_zero(df, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns df (no change)

aneris.methods.linear_interpolate(df, offset, final_year='2050', harmonize_year='2015')[source]

Calculate linearly interpolated convergence harmonized trajectory


df : pd.DataFrame

model data

offset : pd.DataFrame

offset data

final_year : string, optional

column name of convergence year

harmonize_year : string, optional

column name of harmonization year


df : pd.DataFrame

harmonized trajectories

aneris.methods.model_zero(df, offset)[source]

Returns result of aneris.methods.constant_offset()

aneris.methods.reduce_offset(df, offset, final_year='2050', harmonize_year='2015')[source]

Calculate offset convergence harmonized trajectory


df : pd.DataFrame

model data

offset : pd.DataFrame

offset data

final_year : string, optional

column name of convergence year

harmonize_year : string, optional

column name of harmonization year


df : pd.DataFrame

harmonized trajectories

aneris.methods.reduce_ratio(df, ratios, final_year='2050', harmonize_year='2015')[source]

Calculate ratio convergence harmonized trajectory


df : pd.DataFrame

model data

ratio : pd.DataFrame

ratio data

final_year : string, optional

column name of convergence year

harmonize_year : string, optional

column name of harmonization year


df : pd.DataFrame

harmonized trajectories

Tools/Utilities: aneris.utils

class aneris.utils.EmissionsAggregator(df, model=None, scenario=None)[source]

Helper class to aggregate emissions


add_variables(totals=None, aggregates=True)[source]

Add aggregates and variables with direct mappings.


totals : list, optional

sectors to compute totals for

add_aggregates : bool, optional

whether to add aggregate variables


Create an IAMC template out of the original data frame

Parameters:first_year: optional, the first year to report values for
class aneris.utils.FormatTranslator(df=None, prefix='', suffix='')[source]

Helper class to translate between IAMC and calcluation formats


to_std(df=None, set_metadata=True)[source]

Translate a dataframe from IAMC to standard calculation format


df : pd.DataFrame, optional

set_metadata : bool, optional

save metadata (model, scenario) for future use

to_template(df=None, model=None, scenario=None, column_style=None)[source]

Translate a dataframe from standard calculation format to IAMC


df : pd.DataFrame, optional

model : string, optional

model name

scenario : string, optional

scenario name

column_style : string

column style (upper, lower, etc.) to use

aneris.utils.agg_regions(df, rfrom='ISO Code', rto='Native Region Code', mapping=None, verify=True)[source]

Aggregate values in a dataframe to a new regional composition


df : pd.DataFrame

rfrom : string

original regional composition column name in mapping

rto : string

column name to use for aggregation in mapping

mapping : pd.DataFrame, optional

mapping to use, otherwise MESSAGE mappings are read

verify : bool, optional

if True, confirm that sum of original values == sum of aggregated values


df : pd.DataFrame

aneris.utils.check_null(df, name=None, fail=False)[source]

Determines which values, if any in a dataframe are null


df : pd.DataFrame

name : string, optional

the name of the dataframe to use in a warning message

fail : bool, optional

if True, assert that no null values exist

aneris.utils.combine_rows(df, level, main, others=None, sumall=True, dropothers=True, rowsonly=False, newlabel=None)[source]

Combine rows (add values) in a dataframe. Rows corresponding to the main and other values in a given level (or column) are added together and reattached taking the main value in the new column.

For example, countries can be combined using this strategy.


df : pd.DataFrame

level : string, int

common level or column (e.g., ‘region’)

main : string

the value of the level to aggregate on

others : string, optional

a list of other values to aggregate

sumall : bool, optional

sum main and other values (otherwise, only add other values)

dropothers : bool, optional

remove rows with values provided in others

rowsonly : bool, optional

only return newly generated rows

newlabel : string, optional

a new label for the level/column value, default is main


df : pd.DataFrame

resulting data


The gas associated with each variable


Returns True if s is a number


Returns True if x is a string


Global Logger used for aneris


Returns all columns in df that have data types of floats or ints

aneris.utils.remove_emissions_prefix(x, gas='XXX')[source]

Return x with emissions prefix removed, e.g., Emissions|XXX|foo|bar -> foo|bar

aneris.utils.remove_recalculated_sectors(df, prefix='', suffix='')[source]

Return df with Total gas (sum of all sectors) removed

aneris.utils.subtract_regions_from_world(df, name=None, base_year='2015', threshold=0.05)[source]

Subtract the sum of regional results in each variable from the World total. If the result is a World total below a threshold, set those values to 0.


df : pd.DataFrame

name : string, optional

name to use in error checking

base_year : int, string, optional

column to use in error checking

threshold : float, optional

threshold below which to set values to 0


returns a units column given a variable column